Monday, September 14, 2009

On Guard

"Let us then be on our guard. We live with indwelling sin that is inclined toward insanity, because it is inclined to believe lies that lead to our destruction. When we are feeling the powerful pull of worldly temptation we need to take Paul's exhortation very seriously: 'But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called' (1 Timothy 6:11-12)."

Jon Bloom
Exc. Dir. of Desiring God Ministries

When I read this statement today in a letter from some stuff from Desiring God Ministries, this part really jumped out at me. I loved the section about how our sin inclines us toward insanity. I think so often we treat sin like its really no big deal but the reality is it leads toward insanity! Jesus said that the flesh profits NOTHING (emphasis obviously mine) and I am reminded of something that I heard recently from a pastor friend of mine. He said that we have no idea how deeply sin has marred us from our original God ordained condition.

This is all so true. Sin sucks, but it has such a strong pull on us. We need to be on guard and stand firm. We must stay in the Word and in prayer. That is the only way for apart from Christ, we can do nothing.

Stay the course my fellow travellers! Be on guard, watchful and alert! Our enemy is smart and patient. Our path is narrow and fraught with difficulties. Stay close to Jesus! He is our only hope!