Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daily Contentment

This past Sunday, I preached a message entitled, "It's Not About You!" I think the main thrust of the message is pretty obvious. God has chosen to call us His own and to bless us with Himself as well as other "things", but it is to never be about us. We are to live our lives in such a way as to act on the prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done." We are to be more concerned about God's Kingdom than we are about our kingdoms. We are to be more concerned with what God is up to and how we can join Him than we are about all of our little selfish issues.

In my sermon, I shared a story about where Becky and I are right now with our housing situation (3rd kid on the way in a 900 square foot two-bedroom) and about our level of contentment with where we are right now. I said on Sunday that I am completely OK with whatever God wants us to do even if He wants us to stay where we are. The past two days, I have realized that contentment is an on-going process. It is a battle. It is not a place that you go to and are never tempted to leave. In other words, for me to stay in a place of contentment, I must stay steadfastly focused on Jesus Christ. I cannot allow myself to focus on me and my circumstances.

Therefore the key to contentment is DAILY prayer and Bible study! Daily contentment is my desire because IT is truly not about me and I want to live with that ever before me!