Saturday, October 18, 2008

Busy Week

I am sorry that I have not blogged much this week. There have been several things that I wanted to post, but time seemed to get the better of me. It has been a busy week and it feels like I am just picking up steam and am only about half-way down the hill. I do not have a normal weekend again until November 21st. Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining, just making excuses for not blogging.

I finally got all our Crossroads Church 501c3 material together. I am waiting on a signature and it will go in the mail next week. I can't tell you how big of a relief that is.

I have also been getting ready for our special service that we are having this Sunday night at our new building. I was there tonight putting some finishing touches on the worship slide show with Reece and it just seemed so surreal. I can't believe we are buying a $200,000 building after only being in existence for 28 months! Thank you God - You rock! It is going to be a great time together on Sunday evening as many Crossroaders get their first peek at our future new home. I can hardly wait!

Before I went by the new building tonight, Ian and I capped of our week with a 7-miler. It was good and pretty uneventful. Ian even mentioned that it felt slow but I checked my running log when I got home and it was actually the fastest 7 we have done together. We were out on the dark, cold (49 degrees) trail for 1 hour and 4 minutes and 13 seconds.

I am up late because it is so hard to go to sleep when I run that hard that late, but I am about to crawl into bed and try to sleep. After this week, I need the rest!