Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Holy Spirit and Cell Phones

How different would our lives look if we focused on the Holy Spirit like we focus on our cell phones? Hmmmm, let that sink in a bit. If I paid as much attention to the Holy Spirit as I do to my cell phone, I think I might actually have a lot more God directed attitude and action in my life. Our cell phones ring and we hurry to see who it is (notice, I didn't say we answer it, but we do hurry to see who it is) or we get a text message and everything else in our life stands still till we read it and respond. I catch myself texting while driving, or finding a spot out of the way at a store to send that important message, or neglecting my wife and kid's time to text, or worse allow texting to interrupt my Bible study or reading. And don't even get me started about what happens in our lives if we misplace our cell phones! Horror of horrors! I mean, we may not even need it at the moment we can't find it (it's like a constant friend), but we freak out and drop everything to go look for it.

Now contemplate what our lives would look like if that was our attitude with God, the Holy Spirit. What if we stopped everything in order to get in touch with Him. What if He was our constant companion (He is - we just don't act like it!) and we lived our lives out of the fact that He is always "in our pocket/purse"? Why doesn't the thought of losing Him (theologically we can't, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good mind exercise) bring us to absolute tears and crazy fear (see Psalm 51:11). Why don't we actually talk to Him all the time about everything like He cares because He does (check 1 Thess. 5:17 and 1 Peter 5:7)? Why don't we care more about what God thinks (Holy Spirit) than what other people think (our cell phones)? Why don't we care more about God than we do our cell phones?

Yeah, yeah, I know what you are thinking. You are saying that I am crazy and that you love God way more than your cell phone. And I say, "Who are you kidding? Actions speak WAY louder than words!

Let's make the switch. Let's elevate the Holy Spirit which allows us to communicate with the God of the universe above these little devices that allow us to communicate with each other.