Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sick Of Sin

Sin Sucks! All it does is cause stress and destroy relationships. I am so sick of it! I am sick of my own sin and the sin of others! It is ridiculous! We need to get over ourselves, our selfish pursuits, motives, words, and thoughts! Why to we think SO highly of ourselves? Why do we elevate what we think and want over the needs and feelings of others? My big question today is, "Why isn't Jesus enough?" We say He is and then we act like selfish idiots. Its no wonder God's work and church here in America is barely crawling forward. He can't and won't use a diseased people and that is what we are. We have to find a way to get over ourselves and allow Him to be our everything. I am not sure I have all the answers but I do know that God has so much more for us beyond the boundaries of selfishness and I want to find it for me, my family, and for Crossroads! I hope you want it too. What He has for me/us is far better than anything my/your selfish flesh can come up with! Let's let it go and allow Jesus to truly be our everything! Let's get sick of ourselves and our sin and just live the humble life that He has called us to. Then one day, we'll hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."