* Girls - I have the greatest 3 girls on the planet and we are about to have another one. Yep, another one! I love my girls and I must say that I am rather excited about living with 4 ladies. God has blessed me so much by allowing me to be a husband to the most wonderful woman on the planet and a dad to 2.5 amazing little girls!
* Great Day - I woke up early and kick started the day. It is amazing how much more you get done when you get up early. Met with four of our volunteer Crossroads staff members today. They rock!
* Surrender - Absolute surrender to Jesus Christ is the only place of peace. Holding on to the things we want and think we need only leads to frustration and dissatisfaction with our lives and even with God Himself.
* Matthew 6:33 - Living for the Kingdom Of Jesus Christ is totally where it is at.
* Running - I just got home from a 5 mile run. It was great! Ian went with me again and it was really helpful and nice having him along. I ran the 5 in 43:51 with a final mile in 7:33.
* Ian - It is hard to believe that Ian has been the worship leader at Crossroads Church for over a year. I am so glad he is here and that God sent him to Morgantown. He is a fine young man and a great worship leader and I am very proud of him.
* Baptism - Baptism is so stinkin cool! The symbolism of our old lives being dead and our new life in Christ through His resurrection is awesome! We baptized 4 this past Sunday and it was a great charge. WE should do that more often. Hmmmmmm, yes we should!!!
* 96 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I must say that I was so stoked this past Sunday when we totally ran out of chairs. It was amazing to see 96 people in attendance at Crossroads Church. It was awesome. We are growing so much. We don't have room for everybody and do not know what to do. Our new building will not be ready until February or March. 96 blew our old high attendance out of the water by 11 and the cool scary thing is/was that we still had 12 or so regulars out. Unbelievable!! Keep going God!! It is a good problem to have and I am so stoked to see what God is going to do at Crossroads this fall.
* Pressure Washers - I think I have a favorite new tool. Pressure washers ROCK! I borrowed the Stagger's pressure washer yesterday and let's just say that my house is now white and not grey and my deck looks like wood and not the creature from the black lagoon. Oh and by the way, my back is red and not white.