"Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure upon me of concern for all the churches." 2 Corinthians 11:28
It struck me again this morning as I was reading 2 Corinthians 11 just how much I love and agonize over the people who make up Crossroads church. In this chapter, Paul was talking about all the external persecution he faced by being a minister of the gospel of Jesus. Then he goes on to say that in addition to that, he has the internal pressure of thinking about and caring about the condition of the churches/Christians that he has helped establish.
I cannot understand his external persecutions (thank goodness), but I certainly do identify with this verse. I daily feel the pressure upon me of concern for Crossroads Church and all the lives that that involves. I hurt when they hurt. I rejoice when they rejoice. I stress about their disobedience and sin because I want so badly for them to experience the fullness of right relationship with God. I take very serious the admonition to present all those under my leadership as a spotless bride to Jesus. The joy and sorrow that comes from this calling is great. I am thankful to God for the blessing of being a pastor and secifically to being the pastor of Crosroads Church in Morgantown WV. The intensity that I feel for and pray for each member of Crossrads is huge.
If you consider Crossroads Church home, then know you are loved and prayed for by your pastor even when you don't think so maybe especially when you don't think so.
My life is intrensically intertwined with the body of Christ that is Crossroads Church. I cannot get away from it - ever - nor do I want to. The joy of responsibility applies to me as a pastor almost as much as it applies to me as a husband and father.
Thank you God for Crossroads Church and the "daily pressure" of it!