Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank God for Ministry Partners

I will be out of town for the next three days as I roll on down to TN to spend some time with and report to two of Crossroads ministry partners. Words can't really describe how thankful I am for all our ministry partners but these two church groups in particular. CPC (Churches Planting Churches) based in Cookeville, TN have been such an awesome blessing since the inception of Crossroads. I can't wait to visit with all the pastors and planters that make up this group. It will be a great time of encouragement on Thursday. Where would we be without Hillcrest Baptist Church in Morristown, TN. They have been on board with the Crossroads mission since about 6 months after we started. God sent them along at the perfect time and they have been such a blessing over the past year. It will be great to be with them on Weds. night. I will blog about my trip along the way as I have the opportunity.

Road Trip !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ian and Donald are going with me. Should be a very entertaining drive!