I love my Thursdays off. It is really good to spend time with my family and get things done that I don't have time to get done otherwise.
Today has been good and has flown by. I got up and fixed Becky and the girls scrambled eggs and toast (as usual). Then I picked up the garage, went to Lowe's, staked my tomato plants up, ran four miles (32:24), had a lovely picnic at Krepps Park with my family, washed and vacuumed out my car (the van is getting it tomorrow), and then went to see The Dark Knight with Becky (thanks Gretchen). The movie was very disturbing to me. That is all I am going to say about that until Sunday morning. Maybe I'll blog about it later.
We got home and fed the girls some cereal and just put them in the bed. I am going to eat some cereal myself (trusty Honey Nut Cherrios) and try to relax with Becky.