Monday, July 14, 2008

Scrambling Eggs

I can't begin to tell you how many eggs I have scrambled over the past 3 or 4 weeks. It is the only thing that helps Becky's stomach in the morning (I haven't blogged about it and I think everyone already knows, but Becky is pregnant and just now beginning her second trimester).

Because of her morning sickness, I get up every day and scramble eggs for her and I also get breakfast for the girls. It has been very trying for me because I hate monotony and yesterday the thought of scrambling eggs just didn't sit well. That was yesterday. This morning as I was scrambling the daily eggs, I just thanked God for my wife and our two little girls and the new life that is growing inside Becky. Who am I to grumble and complain about such a small thing as scrambling eggs every day when God has blessed my life beyond measure.

I am so thankful for Becky, Brannon, Anna, and #3. It is a total privilege to scramble eggs for them every morning. It is amazing how warped our thinking can be when we think selfishly and how grateful our thinking can be when our thoughts turn to others or to all that God has done for us and given us.

Looking forward to scrambling more eggs!