Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Difficulty of Relationships

Most difficulties in relationships are the direct result of selfishness. As a pastor, I deal with lots of interpersonal conflict. I see conflict and hurting relationships all the time. Truth be told, it is probably the reason for the majority of the counseling that I do.

Just think, most of our interpersonal problems would be solved if we would just think of others more than we think of ourselves (Philippians 2:3). I know, I know, it is much harder to actually do. But just think, how many of us would not want amazing inter-personal relationships with our spouse, kids, other family members, friends and acquaintances? And that's not to mention the spiritual benefits during this life as well as the eternal benefits if we would just truly deny the crazy selfishness that lurks inside of us. I mean really, how many of us actually like all the problems and stress that our nasty selfishness brings about?

So, yeah the flesh is strong and denying self is incredible difficult, but don't the benefits far outweigh the hard work of self-denial? Seems like a no-brainer to me! Who wants difficult relationships and the stress that they bring? Let us have the same attitude of Jesus Christ and people will love us. Well, some people will and some people will hate us, but that is a topic for a whole other blog!