"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Genesis 1:27
What does it practically mean to bear the image of God? "This means that we have been given gifts that enable us to represent and imitate Him. Since we were created in love and are now sustained by God's patient love, we bring glory to God by imitating his persistent love" (Edward T. Welch).
Let me try to explain that quote a little bit. Being an image bearer of God simply means that we fulfill our purpose and bring God the most glory and experience the most purpose and peace when we act like God (see also Eph 5:1). It really is simple and also so profound.
When I look not to my own interests, but to the interests of others, I fulfill God's plan for me. I am acting like God, I am His image bearer. I am showing all the world around me what God looks like. When I act selfishly and I do whatever I want regardless of who I hurt or other consequences whether intended or not, I am not fulfilling my role as an image bearer. I am not showing anyone what God looks like.
So the question then comes; am I living my life in such a way that when people look at me, they see God. Are my relationships, words, and actions pointing to my Creator.
When we live out the purpose of being His image bearers, we are fulfilled predominately because we are not even seeking to be fulfilled. Chew on that!