Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hardest Job I Have Ever Had

Being responsible for the godly raising of children is by far the hardest job that I have ever had. I thought church planting and pastoring was difficult but it doesn't even compare to the hard work of being an intentional parent. I mean any idiot can bring a kid into the world, but the work and sacrifice involved in raising children to be adults who love God and others and live a sacrificial life is a whole other matter. My kids are 4 and 2 and I already worry that I am not a good enough parent to lead them the way that they should go.

It is my prayer that my Heavenly Father (the only perfect parent) will lead and guide me as I seek to lead and guide my children. I so desire to be what Brannon and Anna need in order to live lives for the glory of God.

God grant me patience and wisdom to bring up my children up in the knowledge and admonition of You!

Here is some free advice for all you out there who don't have children yet. 1)Don't miss out on one of the most amazing blessings of life - have kids! 2)But don't have them until you are ready to lay down your lives in order to sacrifice for their holy upbringing because it will be hard and very demanding(if raising kids is not hard, then you are either doing something wrong or there is something wrong with my kids).

The good news is that based on the Word of God, I expect the responsibility and hard work of raising the next generation of Jesus followers to pay great rewards.

Thank you God for the hardest job that I have ever had!