I ran in the rain this evening so the trail was pretty empty. I guess nobody wants to exercise when it's 49 degrees and raining. It was a good run timed at 33:23 with a final mile of 7:31. I have done what I said I was going to do after all my knee pain. I have backed off on my mileage and just stayed around the 4 mile mark. I'll pick up the mileage as it warms up and I am able to ride my bike more often.
The best part of the run tonight was the sermon I listened to by Francis Chan. Amazing! I thought about re-preaching it here, but I'll save it for an up-coming Sunday. Needless to say, I was moved in my spirit to be a more active part of working in the Kingdom of God. When I finished my run, I felt like shouting, "Use me God to do whatever You want me to do!" Then as I was doing some post-run stretching, I noticed a homeless man by the wharf district bathrooms. He was just standing under the eaves of the small building staying out of the rain and smoking a cigarette. He had a small radio plugged into the city's electrical supply and was just minding his own business. As I stretched, I heard God tell me if I really wanted to get involved in people's lives to go talk to him. I determined that I would at the end of my next stretch, so when that stretch was over, I got up and turned off my music and walked around the building to see what he was doing. He was still just standing there and I kept walking. I thought to myself, I'll wait till he comes around to me and I began a new set of stretches. As I was continuing to stretch, I was thinking of how to approach him and what to say to him. This time I was determined to obey what God had told me to do.
You are not going to believe what happened next. As I was
slowly getting up to go talk to him, a group of students (I think a group of spring breakers in
Morgantown on a mission trip) walked right passed me and right up to him and began talking to him. I was blown away. I could not believe that I had just missed an opportunity to be Jesus to that man. I just missed an opportunity to be obedient to what God was telling me to do! I just preached on obedience two days ago! I just said to God to use me for whatever He wanted! Unbelievable! I had just missed a blessing from God! What was I thinking? What in the world was my problem? What was the hold-up? Unbelievable! You kill me Shane! When are you going to just get out of the way and let God live through you? I can't believe I dropped that ball. I can't believe I let my hesitance to obey God cause me to miss out on a potential blessing and just the great peace and joy that comes from obedience.
Remember, delayed obedience is still disobedience! I learned that poignant lesson all to well tonight. I do not want to miss the next opportunity that comes my way. Forgive me Lord and truly - Use me (give me another chance)!