Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Pillow

My neck and upper back have been killing me for the past three weeks. As the time has gone by, the pain has gotten worse. It is crazy, I have never had constant physical pain like this. Once again, I think I am getting old. I mean I know I am still young, but my body just responds different than it did 10 years ago.

Becky said that she thought I should try a new pillow. What! A new pillow - no way, I love my pillow, I have had that thing for over 6 years! After much careful consideration, I think she is right. My old pillow looks and feels like a brick. That can't be good for my neck, but giving up my old pillow was difficult. It was like giving up an old friend. I realized that I was just hanging onto my pillow because I have always loved it so much but when I really felt it, it was a miserable pillow. It certainly was time for a new pillow, but it took pain to make me see it.

Sin in our lives is a lot like that. We love our sin so much and we love to keep it hanging around. It's our special little companion. It usually takes pain in our lives to show us our sin and for us to have some motivation for getting rid of it. I hope my future sin issues are easier to get rid of than my old pillow and I hope they require less pain.