Crossroads Church is officially one year old. It is so hard to believe that we officially launched last April 1. God has done so much in the past year and we eagerly anticipate His great work for many years to come as we move forward in faithful obedience.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a great day celebrating our birthday. It was a wonderful time to reflect on all that God has done since the core group of 20 started meeting in a picnic shelter. It was also a great time to look forward to what God is calling us to in the future. The future is bright as we keep moving in faith (trusting God with the impossible). Kingdom impact is what we are striving for in the future!
The growth that we have had over the past year has been really encouraging. Last April we launched with around 45 and settled into a regular attendance of 35-40. This past Sunday we had 67 and that is what we have been averaging for this year as well. That is pretty good growth for one year and we just look forward to more of the same in 2008.
We also had a great party yesterday. It was fun to see so many (60 out of the 67) stick around after the worship gathering and fellowship together as we grilled out and had Crossroads birthday cake. It was good to see people visiting and getting to know each other better. I believe our connections are growing stronger and that is another good thing for the future of our church.
Thank you God for the people who make up Crossroads Church! What an awesome blessing they are to me! Thank you God for all that You have done since we began meeting and all that you are going to continue doing in and through us!